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The sections below describe the use of the  Outcome-Asset Impact Model (O-AIM) in creating an asset context. Logic Models and Asset Mapping are tools used to define and illustrate the asset context.

  • Asset Context: Defining the desired impact and identifying the assets to be achieved in the journey toward that impact
    • Logic Models: A visual tool used to organize the change process toward the impact
    • Asset Mapping: The mapping of community characteristics and resources that can be used to support the journey

    The following section describes actual partnerships that applied aspects of the O-AIM. These partnerships demonstrate how they created an asset context beginning their journey toward health.

  • Partnerships: Examples of actual partnerships between MSU UO&E and community groups and organizations

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Asset Contexts

One of the key steps implementing the O-AIM involves defining the asset context. The asset context includes reaching agreement regarding the desired impact and identifying the assets necessary to achieve that impact. Assets become the building blocks or characteristics of the desired impact. We can then identify the journey from being at-risk, to safe, to thriving.

The following are charts developed by St. Vincent Catholic Charities (STVCC) defining their asset context. Based on their mission, their desired impact is to help individuals and families become physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy. The charts describe the identification of assets necessary to achieve that goal.

Logic Models

O-AIM uses logic models as a visual tool to help people and organizations organize the change process for their particular context. Logic models visually describe the relationships between and among activities (services) and intended outcomes. The outcomes are presented in terms of levels (individuals, families, organizations, systems, and communities). In the O-AIM, logic models express outcomes as expected changes in people’s perceptions/skills/feelings (initial outcomes), changes in people’s behaviors (intermediate outcomes), changes in people’s status or conditions (long-term outcomes), and ultimate outcomes or impacts.

In this section, we have included several logic models, each representing one component of a significant effort by St. Vincent Catholic Charities (STVCC), to refocus their entire organization on mission-directed actions and outcome-based measurements of every program. Their comprehensive application of the O-AIM allows them to asses the impact of each program and then gather impact data from every program into a measurable description of the entire organization’s contribution to their overall mission (of helping children and families become emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy).

Click on the following for examples of STVCC logic models, which demonstrate the journey from at-risk — to safe — to thriving, in the program areas listed:

Note: for a description of the STVCC complete report, please go to the “Partnerships” section.

Asset Mapping

One form of asset mapping is community mapping. We refer to community mapping as the visual or conceptual representation of community characteristics and resources. It is used not only to highlight relationships among assets but also to focus strategies toward specific goals.

The following are links to “Best Practice Briefs” about community mapping.


This section provides links to three actual examples of partnerships where the Outcome-Asset Impact Model (O-AIM), or aspects of the O-AIM, was applied: a community funding source, an agency, and an urban community example. In all the examples, we worked closely with our partners, providing them with the necessary tools to envision how they would like their communities to change and a method to do it.

In all three examples we provide an introduction to the partnership, including what was requested by the community or agency, what was done, and the results, as well as products developed through the partnership.

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