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Margaret E. Winters
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Southern Illinois University

Enhancing Alignment between Traditional Campus Practices and Emerging Regional and National Economic Development Needs

The Office of Economic and Regional Development (OERD) was established in 1985 at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in response to a mandate from the Illinois Board of Higher Education to provide regional economic development services. The Small Business Incubator, which now averages 650 business clients a year across a 20- county area, was the outcome of the first decade of OERD efforts. Its success has come from the joint efforts of members of the university and regional entrepreneurs to develop new businesses. Faculty consulting on technology, management, and production issues have provided opportunities for their further professional development, and for the involvement of their students in real-world problem solving activities. In addition, the successes and setbacks of businesses have provided university members with the opportunity to examine the impact of business practices. Further outreach needs must still be met, however. Of particular note is the university’s current investigation - via its recently formed Task Force on Outreach - into how the university’s role in providing instruction, research, and service can be aligned with the more traditional campus practices while simultaneously serving wider regional and national needs.